Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Vegas Baby!

Last week Omar and I went to Las Vegas. Nicole and Gil went too. ( we just cant seem to get rid of them!! LOL ) We stayed at Excalibur. Wasn't a great hotel room but at least we got one of the newly remodeled rooms. Basically it was the cheapest hotel on the strip that had good enough reviews to stay at!

The first night we were totally crazy and decided to walk to the Palazzo to eat at Dos Caminos. Well, it was a really long walk!! I had major blisters just by the time we got there. Crazy! The food was great though so I guess it was worth it. After dinner we decided to walk...I don't know what we were thinking!!...We ended up finding a piano bar. I had a great time. The guys playing the pianos were pretty funny! We got smart and took a cab back to the hotel. The cab driver was pretty freaky. Poor Nicole sat up in the front by him too! Scary!!!

The second night we saw Blue Man Group. I loved it. I cant really remember what we did the rest of that night. I think we hung out at the New York New York hotel. Must not have been that exciting!

The third day Gil and Nicole were in a bowling tournament. So we picked up Jason and Julie ( Gil and Nicole's friends ) and went to watch them bowl. OK...nothing against bowling but it was pretty boring. I kept picturing the movie Kingpin in my head...and it was nothing like it! I think Gil and Nicole were pretty bored themselves and they were bowling! After that all of us plus Jeff and Howard went down to Fremont Street for some food and some gambling. Well, we thought they would have food. Nothing was open! Apparently it was too late at night. I thought this was Vegas! Shouldn't everything be open like 24 hours? I think so. So we ended up driving and found a Denny's. It was seriously like being in the twilight zone!! It took like over an hour to get our food and there was like 3 other people eating there! Very scary!! Very weird!! It definitely made some interesting conversation though! I don't think I have laughed that hard in along time!

The fourth night Gil and Nicole had to bowl again. Poor them! We decided to go see KÀ Cirque du Soleil with Jason and Julie. Me and Omar were kinda disappointed with it. On the other hand Jason and Julie thought it was great. I think we are just too picky. We liked it...just didn't love it! We met up with the "bowlers" and went to Diablo's Cantina. Really fun place besides the fact that some dude grabbed my boob while walking back from the bathroom( the bathroom that some other dude was doing something "questionable" in...if you know what I mean....GROSS! ) Nice huh! I guess he got a cheap thrill from that! I know he got a high five from his friends. Loser!
We ended up going to Studio 54 and dancing til 4 in the morning! I didn't even think I was capable of staying up that late anymore! It was fun. Very good people watching there! There are some crazy people in Vegas!

We did a little gambling while we were there. Omar likes Russian Roulette and I prefer to stick to the slots. Not that I have any luck with that. I am just not a lucky person! Oh well!

We had a great time! We are still trying to recover from the lack of sleep. I think we are getting old! Thanks Rachel, for watching my kids all week. You too Lexi. You guys are awesome!!! :)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a ball. I'm so glad you get to go do those things and have fun too.


RachelV said...

Hmmm, I was hoping to read about a cousin Eddie story.

I wish you would have taken some pictures of some of the crazies - the only way I will ever be seeing them!

Glad you guys had fun. By the way, I can't imagine watching hours of bowling. Just thinking about it, sucks the life out of me. :)