Thursday, April 2, 2009

My week so far

Well, the kids are back in school. Finally! They sure are having a hard time waking up in the morning. I don't know where they get that from. :) Luckily once they actually get to school, they are happy! OK, enough about school. Onto all the great books I am reading! So I finished New Moon. I loved it. It was great! I love Bella and Jacobs friendship but I am definitely still on Team Edward! Although my favorite character is Carlisle. I just cant get enough of this Twilight saga. That Stephenie Meyer is good! I started reading Shopaholic but then I found Stephanie Meyers partial draft of Midnight Sun on her website. So of course I had to start reading that. I have to know how Edward feels about everything! (Can you tell I really like these books?) Anyway, I better get back to my reading!


RachelV said...

Me too! You got me hooked!

Ms.Zurlo said...

I told you that Midnight Sun was cool!!!