Thursday, March 26, 2009


We went to Legoland a couple weekends ago. I am finally getting around to blogging about it. Our friends Gil and Nicole and their kids Hollie and Garrett went with us. We all drove together in our van. Me and Nicole sat in the front and made the men sit in the back. Bummer for them! I drove the whole way but it was better than sitting with the kids in the back while getting car sick! I get motion sickness if I run too fast!! LOL! I think the husbands were a little antsy by the time we got there! We stayed at the Sheraton. It was a really nice hotel. Very clean! That's always a bonus. We spent the whole day at Legoland. The kids had a lot of fun. Isabella went on a couple of rides. Quino is not into rides at all! I think I got him on 2 though. Good enough! His favorite ride was driving the cars. It was too cute. He was so happy! I loved it. He did feel that it was a baby track though. He wanted to go on the track for 6 years old and up. Next year! Isabella loved driving the cars too. She was a pro. I think my favorite part of the day was seeing Isabella's face on the ride that shoots you up in the air then keeps dropping you little by little. She was a little nervous at first but once she relaxed, she was so happy. She was having so much fun with Hollie. She couldn't stop smiling and laughing! It was so cute. Makes me smile just thinking about it!

The Sheraton has a gorgeous pool. That evening we took the kids to swim. The men went in with them while me and Nicole sat and relaxed. It was really nice. I could have relaxed there all day. Isabella loves the water. She loved when Gil would pull her and Hollie all over with the fun noodle. Quino really surprised me. Quino doesn't like the water...or so I thought! He has never got in a pool before. He would only dip his feet in. To my surprise I look over and he is getting into the pool. He went in all the way up to his neck! That was my second favorite part of the trip. He was so brave. Luckily I had my camera (of course) I snapped his picture...about a hundred times. I had to capture that moment!

The next day we went to the Sea Aquarium at Legoland. I think the kids had fun...I didn't think it was that great. I liked seeing the sea horses though! :)

It was a long drive home...of course I got car sick! I even took Dramamine. Uuuggghhhhh!!! We made it though, all in one piece too!

We were all happy to get home, but I could have used a couple more days or weeks at the Sheraton. It was so beautiful and relaxing there. Maybe we will go back one day, minus the kids and Legoland! ( that just sounded mean huh! )


Anonymous said...

The hotel was awesome! I miss relaxing by the pool! Lots of fun!

RachelV said...

Glad you all had fun!

You guys should go away without the kids one day. Shoot, you adults should head out to Vegas for a vacation. Then you can relax at the "adults only" pool. Ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

I had fun on that trip with you guys.I loved it when my dad pulled me and Isabella with the pool noodle that one night.It was really fun.I should say me and Isabella had fun.I loved going on those rides with Isabella.Hope we can do that again with all of us.Love,Hollie

hollie said...

I would have to agree with my mom that hotel was nice.I miss that pool so much.I want to go back.That trip was fantastic!!! I hope we all get to go again.